The Statistics Display

If you click on the character information icon you will be able to see a great deal of important information about your character. The different fields are explained below.

Character Statistics
The left hand side of the window contains information on your statistics. Statistics are different for everyone, and reflect an Aisling's class choice. For example, an athar (air, or lightning) wizard might have high dexterity (DEX) and low strength (STR), whereas a warrior will have a high strength and a low dexterity. You are given two points to use to increase your statistics every time you gain a level (explained under Experience). Different classes have different attribute requirements; this is discussed in more detail in a later section.

Below are explanations of the individual attributes:

STR - Strength. A measure of your physical strength. Higher strength will allow you to carry more, and to strike with more force.

INT - Intelligence. Your ability to learn and comprehend. Higher intelligence results in more mana.

WIS - Wisdom. Your ability to understand the world around you. Higher wisdom also results in more mana.

CON - Constitution. A measurement of your ability to take damage. Higher constitution results in more hit points (HP), also called "vitality".

DEX - Dexterity. A measurement of your quickness and ability to dodge. Higher dexterity will allow you to strike more often, and dodge attacks more effectively.

Hit Points (Vitality) and Magic Points (Mana)
Both of these fields are a numerical representation of your ability to take damage (HP) and your ability to cast magic (MP). Both of these will grow as you gain levels and increase your attributes. Skills and spells sap your mana, whereas getting attacked decreases your vitality. You may also find items, such as rings, or boots, that increase your mana and vitality. A good example are emerald rings, which add 500 points to your vitality.

HP - Hit Points, or Vitality. This measures how much damage you can take before dying or falling unconscious.

MP - Magic Points, or Mana. This measures how many spells you can cast before you must rest.

Experience and Gold
As you travel through Temuair, you will learn and grow as an Aisling. You can gain experience through a variety of means, such as defeating monsters, winning contests, or visiting various mundanes and learning about magic or weapons. Gold can be had from the sale of items, trades, or defeating monsters. As you gain more experience, you will increase your level. You gain more experience when you fight harder monsters and venture deeper into the dungeons and forests. Eventually, when you get to a high enough level, some creatures will become unworthy of your time, and you will get close to no experience for defeating them.

Represented by "LEV", this is your level. An Aisling must gain a certain amount of experience to gain levels. This is an indication of how skilled you are and how advanced you are in your craft. The lowest level is 1 and the maximum is 99. Once you have reached 99 you are considered a "master" Aisling.

If you've forgotten, your name is also displayed on the character information screen. *smiles*

Elemental Attacks and Defense
On the right hand side of the statistics window, you will see a sword, a shield, and a man standing with his hands in the air. They are indicative of your elemental defense your elemental offense, and your magical defense.

A brief explanation is necessary. There are four elements: athar, creag, sal, and srad (air, earth, water and fire). Every creature that you encounter aligns with a specific element. For example, a wolf might align with creag. In battle, some monsters will use powerful elemental spells against you. If you are wearing an item, such as an Earth Belt, that gives you an elemental defense, you will take less damage from attacks of that element.

For example, if you are wearing an Earth Belt, and a monster attacks you with creag, you will take less damage from it.

The same holds true for elemental offense. Every element has an opposite, and is "strong" against another element. For instance, air is strong against earth. If you are a warrior, and have an elemental offense (supplied, for instance, by a Wind Necklace), you will do more damage to a wolf whose element is creag.

That having been said:

Shield (Defense) - Indicates what element you are currently strong against. In the example, Kedian's defense is strong against Wind.

Sword (Offense) - Indicates what element your attacks embody. In the example, Kedian is attacking with the power of water.

Standing Man (Magical Defense) - You will find certain items that will increase your magical defense power. This number, a percentage, is a rating of your defense against attack spells. Items blessed with Gramail's power handily increase this number.

The Sun Dial
This tells you what time it is, relatively, in Temuair. If the sun is on the left hand side as in the example, it is morning. If it is on the right hand side, it is close to nightfall.

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