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Max Experience
Level 1 - 100
Level 2 - 340
  Although many think that the viper would have a dangerous poison bite, it does not. It is actually a rather weak monster, and young aislings may take it on to learn more of the ways of combat. They are passive, and will not attack you until you hit them first.

  Vipers often leave behind Viper's Glands. These can be sold to Cian the Alchemist in Mileth for 137 gold pieces.

Max Experience
Level 1 - 220
Level 2 - 380
Level 3 - 1060
Level 4 - 1940
  Ahh the wasp. Although rather large, they are only one step up in power from the Viper. Sometimes they will hunt down Aislings, but are much more often than not passive, and can be walked among freely.

  Wasps leave behind a wide variety of treasure, with many uses. The Bee's Sting can be sold to Dar the wizard in Mileth for 400 gold. Raw wax, an item needed to learn a few early priest spells, goes to Devlin the Fae Priestess for 50 gold. She will also buy Raw Honey for 125 gold, but this is a toss up because Aislings can eat Raw Honey to regain vitality. Finally, Royal Wax can be sold to Devlin, yet again, for 600 gold pieces.

Max Experience
Level 1 - 260
Level 2 - 460
Level 3 - 1950
Level 4 - 3250
Level 5 - 3080
Level 6 - 4460
  Mantises are the first truely hostile creature encountered in the Eastern Woodlands. They attack without warning and blend in very well with the foliage, so are very dangerous. Keep your guard up for these ones.

  The treasure that the mantis drops is the Mantis Eye. It is one of the most abundant, and valuable items that can be found in the early areas anywhere in Temuair. They are a very good source of income for any young Aisling that can stand up to the pain mantises like to dish out. Mantis Eyes go to Cian the Alchemist in Mileth for 1500 gold pieces.

Max Experience
Level 3 - 2610
Level 4 - 4230
Level 5 - 4850
Level 6 - 6750
Level 7 - 6080
  Wolves are first found in the third area of the forest, and like to wield powerful magic against Aislings trespassing in their territory. They are hostile, and like any hostile creature attack on sight in most situations.

  An important thing to know, in the third and fourth areas of the Eastern Woodlands, wolves are a very good source of both Holy Hermes and Magus Ares staves. I imagine they like the glittery gems embedded in these powerful magic weapons. Any priest or wizard will be very happy to get one of these.

  Wolves drop several different kinds of treasure. Wolf Skins can be sold to Steinar the Abel Armorsmith for 300 gold pieces. Wolf Fur will go to Arnljot the Abel Higgler for 700 gold. Finally, the rare and coveted Wolf's Lock can be sold to Devlin the Fae Priestess of Mileth for 6500 gold pieces! Quite a price for a bit of hair.

Max Experience
Level 5 - 6240
Level 6 - 8610
Level 7 - 8500
  Kobolds are some of the first truely intelligent enemies you will have to face in battle. Not only do they stand upright, they wield sharp daggers that hurt much more then the claws of a wolf or mantis. Watch out for them, because in almost all situations, if you see one, another is sneaking up behind you.

  Kobolds are a very good source of treasure. Occasionally, when a Kobold is killed, its Skull can be saved and sold to Bodil the Abel Combat Skill Master for 1150 gold pieces. Aside from this, Kobolds like to collect money, and often they will be carrying anywhere between 1000 and 5000 gold pieces on them into battle.

Goblin Soldiers
Max Experience
Level 7 - 11340
  Goblin Soldiers are fearsome indeed. They are big, very strong, and wield a nasty spiked club. Not only are they fearsome on their own, but they like to employ the same tactics that Kobolds do, most importantly striking in groups. In fact, Goblin Soldiers and Kobolds can often be found working together to kill any aisling that wanders by.

  Goblin treasure is nearly identical to that of Kobolds. Not only do they like to carry similar amounts of money with them, the skull of a Goblin can also be sold to Bodil. Something to be said for Kobolds, their skulls are more valuable. A Goblin skull will only go for 500 gold pieces.