Warrior Lore

by Julian Lightbringer

So you've set your foot on the path of a warrior? Want to know more about being an effective one? Well, pull up a chair and lend an ear. I'll help you walk the path and show you the potholes in which I've stepped.

Outfitting the Warrior

First thing to do as a warrior is to rid yourself of that ragged old shirt or dress and get suited up in proper armor. A gentleman in Mileth sells the armor you will use from first through tenth insight. To match your shiny new armor you're going to need a nice sword. At first insight you will only be able to use a stick. But don't despair, the Mileth Swordsmith will offer you one for free if you collect six sticks from the woodlands. When you return these to him you are rewarded with enough experience for second insight. Thank the Swordsmith for the stick, then toss it aside and purchase a dirk. After achieving third insight run, don't walk, to the Mileth Armory and purchase a wooden shield. At seventh insight you'll dump that well used dirk and hike over to Abel to acquire a Loures Sword. Grab two leather greaves in Mileth at seventh insight and a pair of Gold earrings from Piet at eighth. As far as equipment goes the eleventh and twelfth insights are a revolution. Eleventh insight brings new armor. Male warriors will find these armor sold in Loures Castle and Females need to walk a little further to Piet. At twelfth, you now have the opportunity to wear the coveted Emerald Ring. This ring is one of the most desired and hard to get items that can be purchased. The Armory in Suomi, sells them for a song but only one per Temuair day, and thus is usually out of stock. This ring increases your health by 500 and your damage by 2. Purchase two. Let me warn you, that Sgrios loves these rings. If you die you're out two emerald rings and possibly out of commission as an effective warrior until you get two more.

Solo Hunting

The solo warrior hunts with wit and luck. Going solo will not get you as much experience per monster as you could in a group. Alone, you are at risk. When the creatures start casting spells at level 3 and higher of the Crypts and the East Woodlands you can get in a world of hurt fast. Creatures off screen will cast spells on you knocking off 30 to 40 percent of your health. The risk comes when two or more off-screen spell casters hit you in rapid succession. In 5 seconds you're looking at Sgrios toothy grin. He always thanks me for the contribution to his ring collection.

With that warning, going solo is occasionally unavoidable. Examples include: no one willing to group with you, you're waiting for a friend who's running a "few" errands, or you only need a little more experience for next insight. Whatever reason, there are a few things to keep in mind as the solo warrior. The first is always keep healing items with you. These include raw honey from wasps and purple or orange potions mixed by priests. Use them and don't think twice. The second is to start with the upper hand. Too often I've watched a competent warrior walk right up to a beast, spit in its eyes and just start whacking. These beasts are Sgrios' servants and would love nothing more than to send you to their master. Use cunning and stealth to seek up behind or to the side of the beast and surprise it. I've been able to get five hits in and kill my foe before it even turned around. Their defenses are weak to the sides and pitiful to the rear. If possible never begin a fight face to face.

The Hunting Party

Hunting with a party is the most effective way to gain experience. Large parties can visit more difficult levels of the woodlands or the crypts. Parties you participate in can be as large or as small as you wish. But, try to stick to parties of 6 or less individuals. With 7 members the party begins having trouble working as a unit. Personalities begin to conflict and you start to trip over each other during battle. Plus with 7 or more people you will usually need an additional priestess to accompany your party because one is just not going to be able to keep track of everyone. If you've got two or more priestesses you should break up into smaller groups.

There are a few things to keep in mind while in a party. First protect your priestess. She is your savior and your best protection. Without a priestess the party limits its areas and puts itself at risk. As a warrior it is your first responsibility to protect your priestess. Fight to your last drop of blood to save her. She is the lifeblood of the party. If your priestess dies or runs out of mana during a heated battle the party will fall apart. If your priestess tells you she's low on mana and needs a rest then rest. Don't go tromping off to scout the surrounding area. If the priestess calls a retreat, do so in a controlled manner. Second, always have a few Red potions on you and know how to use them. You never know when a party member will succumb to the wounds of battle and require deliverance from death's grip. Third, never run out on your party. If you have other duties you need to attend to, let the party know and escort them to safer ground. Fourth, it is your job to occupy a beast's attention while all the other party members are doing their jobs. You're the tank. You take the damage.

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