Terms and words in Temuair

Roleplaying Terms

Small glossary of terms to enhance your enjoyment.


AFK: Away from Keyboard: Daydreaming, napping

If you must be away from your keyboard, it is more interesting to say your character is daydreaming. Your character will begin to blow a bubble if you do not issue any command for 60 seconds, letting others know the persons' wits are not there.


Attributes: Abilities, qualities, attributes

Avoid using numbers if possible. Be poetic, compare yourself to other things. That is the origin of all measurement.


Strength: You are becoming stronger? How? Are you working out more? Carrying a heavy weapon or armor?

Intelligence: Smarter? Are you studying? What are you studying? Are you tapping a new region of your mind? Do you have a teacher?

Wisdom: Feeling more compassionate? Why? What sparked that? Was it a pleasant or unpleasant realization? Was it love?

Constitution: More energy? Have you been exercising much? Did you become inspired by your god?

Dexterity: More nimble? Nimble enough to juggle? What, or who has made you so swift? Has someone been training you?


Book Icon: Legend

This is the legend of your character. It is the reputation you have gained in Temuair. It is deeds that are so well-known or obvious that most anyone would have heard of it, or be able to remember it when meeting you.


Every legend lends wonderful opportunity to role-play. For example: You are a bard? Where did you study? What tales do you know?

Don't forget the first entry: you are an Aisling. Therefore, you were once a mundane. What was that like for you? Were you a farmer, baker, tailor, smith, page, squire, tax-collector, or something else? Who were your mundane family and friends? What was your experience of becoming an Aisling?



The term "circle" has been used to describe "level," however it doesn't apply so well. If anything, "Circle" is a group of several insights or levels. For example:

Circle 1 Insights 1 - 10

Circle 2 Insights 11 - 40

Circle 3 Insights 41 - 70

Circle 4 Insights 71 - 98

Circle 5 Insight 99



This is straight forward.

Example: "*stumbles, clutching gaping wounds*"



Imagine what kind of wounds you have taken. Have you been slashed into bloody sashes? Pounded black and blue? Singed nearly black by fire?


You are energetic, healthy, and unharmed.



Speaking OOC (out of character). Heresy is frowned upon because it is a great mark of mundanity. (see OOC)

Example: "Hey, when's the next server reset?"


Avoid heresy; your Temuairan social life depends on it.


In Character (IC)

By default, you are considered to be acting in-character whenever you are playing Dark Ages. You have your character's identity, mannerisms, history, legend, reputation, friends, romances, enemies and more. To communicate Out of Character see OOC.


Level: Insight

Example: "How many insights have you had?"

Origin: The first Insight is that insight that made you an Aisling. It's a unique experience. Each additional Insight should be a new experience. What is your insight?


You've got 40 something insights? Act like it. Being snobbish, if anything, is a display of a lack of insights. You've had insights into the world and nature of Temuair. Perhaps you've faced the dubhaim. What did you learn? Imagine it. If you have several insights and only clicks and techniques for spell combinations to show for it, you've been robbed. You're missing out on a very different kind of "level", that will leave a lasting impression on everyone you meet in Temuair: insight and imagination.


Logging Out

If you have to leave, perhaps you are "fading away", "being ripped from this world", or "crossing over into another Realm", or "going into The Slumber".


Out of Character (OOC)

At some points you must digress from behaving and communicating in character. For example, you may need to tell a combat partner to refresh their view. You can say "clear your vision", but if he doesn't know the keystroke to do this (F5), then you should speak to him OOC.

There are a few acceptable ways to do this. Here they are with most preferred first:

    1. Whisper to the person or the group using "((" double-parentheses for the parts that cannot be communicated IC. Example: Nuala says to Coren: Clear your vision! Nuala whispers to Coren: ((Press <F5>))
    2. Speak using the same "((" double parentheses. Example: Nuala says to several persons: ((Click yourself and click the Man Icon to allow me to group you))


With a little practice and imagination you can say almost anything you need to in-character. For example, If you have to leave, perhaps you are "fading away", "being ripped from this world", or "crossing over into another Realm", or "going into The Slumber".


Man Icon: Group, Companionship

One Man: Loner. You will not shake any Aisling's hand.

Two Men: Friendly. You will shake any Aisling's hand that wants to join you to their group.



Raw numbers are not preferrable. Sometimes you must use an exact number, but often vague is good enough. It sounds a lot better.

Example: "I'm as weak as a kid", "Are you very smart?", "You good at unlocking things?"


Mana: Inspiration, Sanity

This is your sanity and inspiration.

Example speech: "How inspired do you feel?", "*feels inspired*", "*feels frazzled*"



When you're nearly out of mana, you're literally at your wits ends. You are drained, pale, and mentally fragile too.


When your mana is very high, you are inspired, level-headed. The Light is with you.


Secrets: Spells, Gifts, Blessings, Entreaties

Secrets vary from class to class. A wizard studies spells, but a priest does not.

Warrior: Secrets, Arts of War

Rogue: Secrets, Subtle Gifts

Wizard: Spells, Enchantments, Sorcery

Priest: Gifts, Blessings, Entreaties

Monk: Secrets, Martial Arts


Time: Temuairan Time

Temuairan time is eight times faster than real-world time. The sun and moon icon displays what time it is in Temuair. The Temuairan calendar is convenient to translate between Temuairan time and real-time. If you want to keep track of Temuairan time outside of Temuair, you might look at our Temuair clock.

Temuair: Real World

1 phase of the Temuairan moon, 8-day Temuairan week: 1 real-life day

7 phases of the Temuairan moon, 2 Temuairan moon, Double-Moon: 1 real-life week


Time is a good way to establish relationship and activity of a day, week, or moon. For example, each day of the 8-day week is represented on the points of the ancient 8-pointed star.




It's dark. What keeps you up at night anyway? Do you notice any spooky shadows? Are you a night person?


It's day time. Is it a beautiful day? How do you feel about day time in general?


Tiles: Paces

Each time you take a step you go forward at least by one pace. Sometimes you need to refer to distances. It's more interesting, and a historical measurement, to say "paces" instead of "tiles". Paces, of course, refers to the distance of step forward once.


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