Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

Lynith Sea

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Category : adventure

The mighty Aisling Protein’s very first group quest began at Lynith Beach!

We had heard rumours of there being some buried treasure under the sea, but we didn’t have any idea how to find it! Someone had told us that the nearby Pirate Ship might have some clues, however.

Lynith Sea Quest Start

We climbed aboard the first Pirate Ship that we could find, donning a piece of clever disguise. Thankfully the crew had zero suspicions!

We found our way to the Captain’s quarters, and stumbled upon an intriguing map. It mentioned following some enigmatic clues underwater.

Lynith Sea Quest Map

The map mentioned a mysterious key - interesting! But it required going underwater. Since we were merely regular-Aislings, and not fish-Aislings, we had to enlist some outside help.

A very kind Aisling named Wizadrian let us borrow his mystical jewelry, which allows an Aisling to breathe underwater - perfect! We ventured into Lynith Sea, confident in our abilities.

However, disaster struck when we got surrounded by a gang of territorial Octopus and Starfish, who apparently wished for us to visit Sgrios! Unfortunately, our wizard got beat up quite badly, and we had to make a daring rescue. But thankfully we all survived to tell this wild tale.

Lynith Sea Quest Disaster

We eventually made our way to the end of the clues, which led us to a pair of shovels in the sand.

Lo and behold, a mysterious Oren Key was buried underneath! Some questions answered, but even more questions were created. The quest continues!

Lynith Sea Quest Success

Our next goal was to figure out what was so special about this key, and why someone went to such great efforts to bury it under the sea.

Next Quest: Oren Sewers

Previous Context: NaLyd’s Reawakening
