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NaLyd Reawakening

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Category : awakening

Here’s a bit more history and context about some motivations for helping create the Sradagan guild, and this website itself, for anyone curious!

The Aisling NaLyd was created around February 15th, 2007 (Deoch 65), and here are some ancient memories from those times. He later went into a deep slumber around September 5, 2010 (Deoch 95), for something mysteriously known as “IRL Priorities”. He journeyed to other gaming communities, and explored other interests, but alas, nothing quite awakened his passion as deeply as Temuair had, has, and will.


He tried joining something called the “Smash Bros” community around 2010, which was great fun! But, the “Game Masters” of that game did not enjoy when the players had “too much fun” playing their games, or tried to create their own “community events”, or create “quality of life modifications”….

(( Nintendo hates the Super Smash Bros competitive community, period. I understand why, I really do. I just wish there was a better way to safely allow a passionate community to thrive, without feeling like IP is at risk. Returning to KRU has actually been a bit breath of fresh air, where the game creator mostly leaves the community alone, rather than actively trying to kill it. Rant over. ))

He also got fairly invested in the (( Pokemon Go )) community, especially during the hype craziness from 2016-2019. But the terrible times of 2020 almost wiped out that game’s sense of community. And the “Game Masters” of that game also make very greedy and questionable decisions, unless there’s enough backlash.

So a decade of failing to find a stable gaming community has been a large factor, you might say! Which is why he cherishes the Temuair community so much, now. It has survived nearly 25 years all by itself. And it not only encourages community led events, lore, and content, but actually requires it, and was designed that way. And now he wants to help contribute back to the community, for all the lovely memories it has given him.

tl;dr: Spite is a big motivator. As well as Sgrios.

Tangent Ends

NaLyd briefly awoke in 2019 for a Darkages 20th year celebration, as well as a bit during the terrible times of 2020. But he did not stay awake long, and went back to sleep. Near the end of 2023, NaLyd regrettably noticed that he had missed the Deoch 200 celebration. Shoot!

Regardless, he decided to awaken once again to see how the world of Temuair was doing, around December 10, 2023 (Deoch 200). He heard that the Ability cap had fiiiiiiinally been raised to the maximum of 99! He had been eagerly awaiting this moment since 2008 (Deoch 78), to finish the epic weapon that he had received from the Legendary quest of slaying Arsaidh Aon.

The first thing on NaLyd’s mind upon reawakening, was to reach Ability 99 and finally complete his ancient weapon!

NaLyd Awakens

But he also still had fond memories of hunting with a certain Pure Archer named Necrean, back around August of 2007 (Deoch 70). NaLyd wasn’t sure how to contact Necrean, but was able to reconnect with a different Pure Archer buddy from the past! One of the first things that NaLyd did in the world of Temuair was battle through the vicious sewers of Loures Canals, re-enacting some great old memories of defeating giant blobs in small parties, around 2008 (Deoch 78).

NaLyd Nostalgia

On one extremely fateful day, January 3rd 2024 (Deoch 201 - NaLyd’s newest favourite), NaLyd noticed that there was a Deoch mass sermon being held in Suomi, and decided to check it out. He had never been much of a religion enthusiast back in the day, but thought it would be fun to see what it’s like. NaLyd had been searching in-game and in-Discord for Necrean for almost a month at this point, nearly giving up hope of ever reconnecting!

The sermon was being held by an ever so friendly Aisling, Landon! And this Deoch mass was to be held in the town of Suomi, which is quite well known for its recommendations of authentic “Role Playing”. This basically just means pretending that you are truly the Aisling that you see on your screen, living in the fictional world and forgetting about the real human world.

NaLyd had never been much of a role player before - he preferred to focus on killing monsters and gaining items/gold/spells instead. However, since this mass was being held in Suomi, NaLyd decided it would be rude not to attempt role playing, and gave it a shot. It turns out that it can actually be quite a thrilling experience!


Here is a quick memory from the mass sermon itself. It seems like sermons have had dwindling attendance for a bit of time - surely just temporarily! If you want the full sermon text, or want to check out previous masses held by Landon, be sure to visit his Blog

Deoch Mass

After the sermon, NaLyd quickly desired to return to Loures Canals, for nostalgia’s sake yet again. But he then noticed that he had been given an inspiring item from the Deoch mass: “Deoch’s Flame”. NaLyd has always been a big fan of fire - neat!

Deoch Flame

NaLyd was feeling especially inspired and nostalgic after this sermon, and got accepted into the guild Dark Horizons on his alternate character, Dylanlan, shortly thereafter.

Dark Horizons

Dylanlan decided to hang out with other Dark Horizons guildmates in Pravat Cave, full of excitement from meeting new Aislings. Little did he know, this chill hangout would alter his Temuairan course forever.


Necrean was there. At Pravat Cave. Necrean found NaLyd, 17 years later (~138 Deochs). Unfortunately, there was too much excitement in the moment to remember to take any screenshots, but it was quite the reconnecting indeed! (NaLyd did not get much sleep that night).

Necrean had unfortunately lost her Aisling to a purge long ago. But she had a new Aisling, Aon (formerly PaladinJack)! And had also recently created a new Aisling, Frudo, who was in the middle of coordinating a quest to the Lynith Sea with some lower leveled Aisling friends. And it sounded like Frudo needed some special ring to be able to do this quest, hmmm, that almost sounds familiar.

NaLyd was intrigued! A pre-master quest?! It had been far too many years since he experienced that joy. He absolutely must join this quest - it was no question.

NaLyd panicked. All of his sibling Aislings were already master or stronger. He racked his brain. Didn’t he level up a fresh warrior Aisling awhile back, to relive the low-level nostalgia yet again? Yes! And that warrior happened to be juuuust the right insight to join this new rag tag group of Aislings (mid 60s). That warrior’s name: Protein.

If you’re curious what came next (still on that same fateful day, in fact! Jan 3, 2024 was a busy day - it was also when I started this website!), check out the Lynith Sea adventure!
