Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

Cthonic Remains 10

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Category : adventure

Emboldened by our string of sucesses, we decided to venture into a very cursed and macabre area. Rumours had been spreading about some powerful monsters deep below some decrepit houses, which could yield many tasty experience points for our journey to acquire more insight. Some had even mentioned sightings of ancient mummies, walking the earth once again. Just a rural legend, or an actual fact? We were determined to find out!

Our journey began at House Macabre, near the Tagor Village. We tried to coordinate an epic group war-charge, but there were some challenges. One member of our group had somehow been turned into a Frog (were there witches in the area? unclear).


After investigating a few houses, we located the entrance to a terrifying area that we dubbed, Cthonic Remains. There seemed to be never-ending stairs, and every level deeper increased our dread a little bit more. On our 6th floor deep, we finally confirmed that the rumours were true.

A mummy! Walking as if alive! The foul beast quickly attacked our vulnerable wizard, and we had to quickly counter-attack. Thankfully its defensive element was not Darkness, so it ended up being a much easier conquest than the Sewer Salamanders. It was still a fierce battle, but indeed, it granted a generous amount of experience!

Mummy Kill

The rush of killing our first mummy perhaps contributed to a bit of over confidence on Protein’s part. We had beaten one mummy. Surely we could beat two at the same time, right?? Alas, it was too much for poor Protein to handle, and he promptly began the skulling ritual on his way to visit Sgrios. Thankfully his amazing group members were nearby to revive him. Sgrios would have to wait, for now..


Protein was very excited to acquire the 71st insight, for it was an important milestone! At that point, one could wear newer, stronger armor, which would surely help in these life-or-death fights. As well as wield an excessively epic sword that was so mighty, it would require both Aisling hands just to contain it!

Protein was keeping a close eye on his experience points, anticipating the exact moment that he would reach 71, and be congratulated by his fellow hunting partners for an amazing accomplishment. However, the Cthonic Remains would not be so generous, and instead Protein was put to sleep by a wicked Suain spell, which consumed the exciting celebration of increased insight. Better luck next time, Protein…

Level 71

Unfortunately, Protein was barely not strong enough to wield both his new, epic sword, and all of his previous gear, so he had to make a tough choice:

Look cool? Or be safe?

He immediately chose to look cool, and even showed off his skills of paralyzing a mummy that was behind himself. Nice one, Protein!

Beag Suain

Protein also enjoyed the thrill of using a skill named Crasher. It is quite an intimidating skill to use - it can only succeed if your health points are beneath a very low threshold. And using it successfully will leave you with but a single health point remaining. That’s right. One health point away from death. None the less, it looks very cool, so Protein attempted it many times. I will not comment on his success rate, but here is one memory of an epic success:


After a grueling few hours of hunting mummies, beetles, terriying things that collect bones, and spooky ghosts, we decided to call it quits and take a break. Enough experience acquired for one day. More adventures await, tomorrow! However, Protein had to make one final attempt to look very cool, wielding his obnoxious sword. Until the next time, fellow Aislings!


Next Adventure: Sgrios Mass

Previous Quest: Oren Sewers
