Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

The Porte Moose Chainmail Experiment

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Category : adventure

Word was spreading of a terrifying beast in a forest near Suomi Village. However, rumour was that the beast would not present itself to stronk Aislings, knowing that its fate would be sealed. Protein was definitely a stronk Aisling and was therefore banned. So he had to enlist some help from his younger brothers, Moose and ChainMail, to help figure out what was a happenin’ in Suomi.

The rumours didn’t mention where to start, so Moose had to ask around, to see if the Mundanes had any knowledge of the forest.

Porte Start

Helpful Torbjorn understood what Moose was asking about, and mentioned a mysterious Turuc Pendant in the aforementioned forest, somewhere. He also mentioned someone named Bertil, and some mysterious items that could offer protection.

Turuc Pendant

Moose located Bertil, and asked about some sort of magical skin that could protect one from harm.

Buttery Skin

This is the moment that Moose learned that he will be abandoned at some point for a scientific experiment - to see how a Moose can handle forest monsters on their own.


Moose unfortunately continued his bad habit of misplacing his sword. Hey, some habits are hard to break, ok??

Misplaced Sword

Moose and Frudo found the forest that Torbjorn had mentioned. It was certainly a brown looking forest - Moose questioned who named it.

Porte Entrance

Moose and Frudo negotiated the conditions and expectations of the science experiment.

Science Expectations

Moose got frightened by what he saw in the forest. Surely that was just a mirage??

Doggo Knives

Unfortunately, Moose struggled to find the Turuc Pendant that Torbjorn had mentioned.

So he decided to ask his friend (and definitely not twin brother!), ChainMail, for some help. Perhaps ChainMail would fare better than a Moose, in the spooky forest?

Enlist Help

ChainMail immediately found the Pendant, and questioned Moose’s intelligence stats.

Found Pendant

ChainMail asked Frudo to please please please be an escort through the spooky forest (as far as possible, ideally!). They happened upon a path which seemed to wish for their immediate demise.

Thankfully the path also enjoyed eating some Giant Ant Wing snacks, and would accept them as payment for a delayed death. Convenient!

Found Traps

Alas, it was too spooky for Frudo, so ChainMail was promptly abandoned. For Science!

ChainMail Abandoned

ChainMail kept slowly progressing, sweating more and more as he noticed his guardian wings continually disappearing. He really hoped that Frudo had gifted him a correct amount!

Wings Disappearing

ChainMail encountered a mysterious message…

Surely it meant a fate of glorious victory, right?? ChainMail looked around at his group members, to see if he made any of them laugh. Oh, right. All alone in this experiment..

Enter Boss Arena

ChainMail saw a big bad bug up ahead. Ok, it was just a slightly larger-than-normal Praying Mantis? That’s actually not too scary! Maybe the beast was somewhere else??

Boss Start

A slight breeze blew by, and ChainMail lost nearly all his health in an instant. What the heck?! Ok, if this mantis was responsible, then maybe it is the foul beast, after all!

Boss Hurts

ChainMail noticed that he might be faster than the slow bug, and decided to run and taunt, as a test. Maybe the monster had low self esteem, or was weak to trolling?

Boss Taunt

ChainMail remembered a story from his definitely-non-brother, Moose, about how to easily run circles around slow monsters. Hah, this stupid bug is no match for ChainMail’s mighty speed!

Boss Taunt 2

ChainMail declared his intent to slay the giant mantis. Only one of them would be surviving this encounter, that’s for sure! And it was destined to be ChainMail!

Boss Threat

ChainMail took a second glance at his current equipment. Shoot. Probably should have brought along a belt or necklace. He might’ve made the same critical mistake that his non-brother, Moose, had made in that terrifying crypt. Woops!

No Gear

ChainMail dips, dives, ducks, dodges, and jukes the buff mantis around a tree. He even regenerated a bit of health. Safety! After assailing the bug a few times, he readied himself for a quick victory. Bugs are really easy to kill, after all.

Boss Attacked

Oops. ChainMail forgot about the deadly wind. A slight tickle sends him to his unforeseeable death

Boss Fart

Oh, hi Nyarly. No, I am not Moose - why do people keep mixing us up?! If you could send me home instead of to Sgrios, that’d be greatly appreciated!


Ouch! A new painful scar found its way past ChainMail’s armor.


Welp. I guess that big bad bug will survive another day…

But not for too long, hopefully!

Next Adventure: (Coming soon?!)

Previous Quest: Moose: Terror of the Crypt
