Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

For those unaware, you can send mail letters in Darkages. However, there are certain words that you are not allowed to send. If you include one of them, you’ll just get an unhelpful message saying that you’re using a curse word.

It’s not obvious which words are disallowed, and it can be very tricky to figure out what’s wrong. Let’s play a “fun” game of guess-the-bad-word!

Try to figure out which word in each of these mail letters is making it undeliverable:

  1. Easiest


Answer: ?
  1. Medium 2-medium

    Answer: ?

  2. Hard 2-medium

    Answer: ?

  3. Silly 2-medium

    Answer: ?

  4. Harder (ChatGPT helped with these next two letters. I apologize for the word salad) 2-medium

    Answer: ?

  5. Hardest 2-medium

    Answer: ?

This game was just a silly way to recreate some personal frustration of trying to send a mail in-game. I hope you had fun, or at least learned something!

If you figure out any of these riddles, feel free to DM dylanlan2 on Discord, specifying which word was the problematic one for which puzzle number! Protein will happily (or reluctantly) offer a fresh Light Belt in-game for every correct answer! But he might yoink a Light Belt, for incorrect answers, so be careful!

(Hint: the curse words can be in-game acronym keywords that get expanded to a word or phrase)