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Here are some very informative descriptions of the March events, from a very helpful Aisling: Wizadrian!

🍀 Leprechaun Event

This rewards a lumen amulet and a legend mark. You will need a leprechaun net to capture a chaun. To get a leprechaun net, you need to bring the following to Torbjorn in the Suomi Weapon Shop:

  • Raw Wax
  • Stick
  • Spider’s Silk
  • Wolf’s Fur

These items are easily found. Raw wax is from the enchanted garden or wasteland most commonly, stick you just buy in mileth, spider’s silk is best sourced from HM, and Wolf’s Fur can be had easily in West Woodlands or Astrid.

Spider’s Silk is the only tricky one, Mileth Crypt has them, but lower drop rate. Worth the walk to HM.

Once you have the net, you will need to equip it and assail a leprechaun to get the pop up, and then roll the lucky dialog sequence that will allow you to be told about the pot of gold. ‼️ BEWARE- THIS EVENT HAS OPPORTUNITIES FOR TROLLING!!‼️

The next part requires a DIRK. It is very important that you use an Identify skill on the dirk you use, if you pick it up off the ground. Smithed dirks- which can be ‘good’ or ‘fine’ WILL NOT WORK to find the buried pot of gold. You need a REGULAR VANILLA DIRK.

Similar to catching the leprechaun, there are trolly pop ups for the pot of gold, too. You will likely need more than one dirk. If you know the popups well enough, you can use escape key and f5 to re-roll until you get the good pop up.

There are also some tricks involving throwing players off the tile while they have the dialog open so that you can get multiple chars to use the reactor tile and spend less time searching. Expiriment to find what works best for you if you’re doing a lot of characters.

The Leprechaun event is a PREREQUISITE for the ‘Help Patrick’ event, commonly called ‘Snakes’ by a lot of the playerbase. You need to do the Leprechaun event each year to get into the Snakes event. Last year’s legend mark will not work. The legend mark changes slightly every year.🍀

🌈Locky’s Charms

Walk to different areas and pick up the charms.


At least half of the charms- the pot of gold, the horeshoe, the star, and the clover all share a sprite with different items that players might have in abundance. When you pick up your charms and before you turn them in- make sure you have the actual charms and not some troll item. 🌈

🐍 Snakes (Help Patrick)

Before starting, all characters must have already acquired the lumen from this year’s leprechaun event and gotten the legend mark.

This event is one of the most challenging and dangerous PVE events in the annual cycle. There are are a total of 8 rooms, 5 that just have minis and require a kill count to get through, and 3 boss rooms.

The minis are mostly weak to wind damage, so HOF works very well. MPND, and especially APND, also kill the minis quite quickly. The minis can hit quite hard, and care should be taken when clearing them.

Through out the day, groups will tend to favor certain ‘lanes’ and the spawns will be lighter in those lanes. If you go too far off the normal trail, you will encounter very large mobs. However, if the lanes are too clear, you’ll reach the end of the map and not have enough kills to port through.

The doors to the next room do not have perfect mechanics. The ones into the boss rooms work fine, but the door from 1 to 2 and the door from 4 to 5 function poorly. It is important the oldest member of the group, at time of grouping, be the one that ports through. Otherwise some of the group will port through, and not all of it, and the members left behind will need to quickly ungroup, run through, and regroup to be safe.

This will most commonly be the group leader. However- it is not always the group leader. if the group leader disconnects, the group leader position defaults to the most recent person to join the group, and not the 2nd person who joined the group when it was orginially made. To prevent confusion, sometimes it is best to just all ungroup and regroup if the group leader disconnects.

The boss rooms do not have the most perfect mechanics. The boss spawns when the group enters the room. If the group fails to kill the boss, and wipes or scrolls, the boss will remain spawned.

Groups should have least the following:

Healer, preferably more than one, Frost Arrow (preferably FA9, but at least FA7 or FA8) Flower for the healer(s), flower for the archer Kill power

A pure wizard with vine is especially helpful if everyone in the group that needs MP has a decent amount of base MP.

Kill power, probably at minimum, for the minis can be 2 APND or 3 MPND or 2 HOF with some cursers, or some combination of that. Preferably more. The priority mini last year was the Blue Eel from UD, which sits a little higher than the rest of the snakes, and was more dangerous.

Alternatively, MSPG will work to kill them, but do bear in mind that the bosses are dark defense and the minis are earth defense. So it will require necklace swapping if you intend to go mspg to kill the minis. Summoners can also choose to mpnd/apnd the minis or keeter assist HOFers if the minis are being spelled, and then use MSPG on the boss.

There are minis in the boss rooms, too. So you’ll need more than enough to just to make it through the mob rooms if you want to actually kill the bosses.

The frost arrow can make big dents in the bosses with Assassin’s Strike and Rear Strike, too. Extra archers can speed up boss kills.

Bashers with large HP values can outright kill some of the bosses with their combos.

Oddly, the final boss does not ao sith to shed cursed tunes, which ironically makes him easier than the first boss. I think the first boss DID ao sith when cursed tunes last year, and the second and third boss did not, but I can’t quite recall.

Additionally the first boss fight is in the smallest room, which also contributes to it being the hardest of the three boss fights.

For the most powerful of groups, an archer isn’t technically required, but it absolutely makes it much, much easier- and for a lot of groups- it is a requirement. Don’t go it without one. You won’t need it until the boss rooms, but once you get to the boss room, it’s too late to decide you need one. ONLY THE FINAL BOSS dropped the best rewards- the Brilliant Basilisk Earrings, and also the very good rewards Viper and Cobra earrings, as well as Oak Staff Replica weapon skin.

It is also the only boss that drops the Staff of Eternity. But they were flowing so freely last year that people were dropping them on the ground.

The first two bosses only drop staff of clarity and staff of deliverance, which are now quite obsolete and unneeded. Make sure you don’t have full inventory before the final boss fight. Drop the SOC and SOD along the way if you need to.

It is theoretically possible that an AB 99 hybrid staff will be added this year- an SOF- be that the Staff of Fractality or Staff of Finality or whatever it might be. If that is the case, the event is going to be an absolute nut house. After killing the final boss, the group has a 30 minute cooldown. Please do not make subpar groups to get around this 30 minute cd. It’s better for you to have 1 consistent group than 2 sketchy groups. If a boss room gets ridiculously over stacked- it may be impossible to clear. Due to the way the boss spawns each time someone enters the room, the effect can easily compound and spiral out of control.

There was one day last year where the GMs needed to clear the room for us. Hopefully we can avoid that this year.

DO NOT GO IN WITHOUT A WARRANTY BAG. Chasing death piles is only going to make the problems worse. Make friends with a glio priest. You might take some lumps in this event.

This is a very dangerous event, and caution should be taken.🐍 Okay, I’ve done my best to share what I think people need to know about these events.

🐛 Insect Event

Max your assails, if you’re a bard or summoner make sure you have instrumental or elemental bless maxed. They don’t need to be the top tier, but should be 100/100. Bards also get a wind blade called instrumental attack that’s worth maxing for bugs. If not the top tier, then at least 100/100 in the first tier.

Chirp is likely the best reward

The bug form and the map are both worth getting, and so are the upgrades.

The ao poison trinket is worth getting, it fails with big groups, but it is a nice to have. Especially on non casters to relieve your casters of a burden.

Beetle Aid might be worth it to you, if you don’t want to have to worry about blossom of betrayal management. It’s always annoying to be skulled in an area where you can’t use red potions or koms. Beetle Aid can be used anywhere.

The 1k hp/mp is worth it, if you can’t hunt 1k hp in the ~1-2 hours it will likely to take to do bugs event. Keep in mind, 4b exp will buy you 1k hp at 400k base hp. If you’re below 400k base hp, you should probably just hunt an hour instead of doing bugs. If you’re a character that actually benefits from additional mp- like caster- factor the in the 1k mp as exp value, as well. Even at my HP/MP values, if I didn’t have one of the rewards above- I would choose any of them over the 1k hp/mp. EXP can be hunted 365 days a year, the other rewards cannot.

The ‘random gift box’ isn’t as good as it once once. A lot of the Yowien Territory gear it often gives isn’t worth too much these days. Additionally, the hwarone plans, veltain chests, and even gold bars are better farmed from just direct routes like LR daily quest, law shortcut, or veltain farming or picking up gold in MTG/Nobis.

I don’t really think the value is there for the mystery gifts, but some people really like them. Do factor in the loss in value that many of the items that come from the mystery box have suffered from over time. It may not be worth your effort to do bugs for that. The flame sword skin is exclusive to the bug event. If you like it, this is the only way to get it.

The Light necklace and Lumen Amulet raffles ARE NOT WORTH IT. Get those from the frequent arena spawns or from the leprechaun.

Potent Mantid Scent is no longer worth it for AB 99 chars. You’re 70% MR cap even with Demise, and no armor or belt on.

The gender pots and doubles are not tradeable. Neither are the raffles. REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR NECKLACE OFF WHEN HUNTING BUGS. This will make your net last much longer, but even with your necklace off, you will need to repair your net. Don’t let it break.🐛 🪲 🐞