I accidentally broke my piano earlier this year, and I’ve been meaning to fix it for weeks.
However I kept getting distracted by Temuair, so I decided to take a 100% innocent, randomly timed break, to focus on fixing this beauty.
It’s a Roland HP-530 digital piano, originally from 1995.
I didn’t get mine until around 1999, though. Almost 25 years ago, eh?
Mine keeps breaking every 5 years, but it’s amazing how long things can last with a bit of care and maintenance!
Some of the keys were uneven, and weren’t playing their sounds as expected
I had dealt with similar problems in the past, so figured I’d open it up, and take a look.
Ah. The metal hammer part had broken off from its plastic encasing, and couldn’t properly hit the “thing-a-ma-jig”, to complete a circuit and create sound (or something along those lines)
Many other keys were nearly broken, or very far along in the breaking process, so I figured I should take a look at all / most of the keys.
Oh! I know how to fix this!! Glueeeeeeeeeee!
I decided to turn my regular piano keys into “Reinforced Piano Keys”, and had to remove them all, to do so.
For more context, this Roland digital keyboard was purchased around 1999 or 2000.
Conveniently around the same time that USDA was released!
It took longer than I had wanted, but I eventually removed them all!
I just used some cheap 5-minute epoxy, to glue the broken keys back together, or reinforce some nearly-broken keys.
Glue time! :DDD
(Can you spot the key that stabbed me?!)
The keys got kinda fixed!
Here’s a playlist of Temuair Music that I hope to add to: Temuair Music
(Foreshadowing: the poor ol’ thing continued to fall apart from Sgrios music, and I started looking into options for a new piano…)