Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

Hello there! Are you wanting to play Darkages, but can’t come up with a good name for your Aisling? If so, then step right up!

Names for Aislings Lottery (which Yields Delight!)

Current Names

New Lottery Names:

  • Advanced (M)
  • Affinity (F)
  • Minerva (M)
  • Spring (F)

Deadline to request one of these new names for this week: Sunday, April 28th around 8pm MT

First come first served names:

  • DuffBeer (M)
  • Friday (F)
  • Caterpie (F)
  • Poliwrath (M)
  • Army (M)
  • Horse (F)
  • Sewer (M)
  • Royal (M)
  • Secret (F)
  • Lapras (F)
  • Ghoul (M)
  • Bully (M)
  • Cathonic (M)
  • Cowboy (M)
  • Goofy (M)
  • Hydrogen (M)
  • Loop (M)
  • Organ (F)
  • Vigor (M)
  • Whip (F)


I will post a weekly collection of new Aisling names that anyone can claim, free of charge. No strings attached, and the rules are simple, I swear!

If you’re interested in a name, just tell me:

  1. Which (1) Aisling name you want this week.
  2. How I should contact you (eg: Discord ID, email address, or in-game DA character to mail).

You can contact me by direct message to Discord ID dylanlan2, or by sending an in-game mail to Dylanlan or NaLyd.

Note that the Aisling gender is (M) for male, and (F) for female.


At the end of the weekend (likely Sunday night), each requested lottery name will be claimed as follows:

  • If a name was only requested by one person, then they win that name!
  • If a name had multiple people interested, then I will randomly pick who wins the name!
  • If a name had zero interest, it will move to the “first-come-first-served” names, which don’t use a lottery system.
  • If you want a first-come-first-served name, just ask for it!

Winners of each name will be sent the Aisling’s password (via requested contact method).

Make sure to change the password if you don’t want me stealing the Aisling back at some point!!

More Rules…

  • Any new players that are wanting to create their first Aisling can request a name without needing to wait the full week!
  • Only request a single name per week, please
  • Please only request a name if you have actual plans to use it, at some point. I want to discourage excessive hoarding without using, like I’ve done :(

Note: most lottery Aislings will have been born around the 108th deoch (which was after the last name purge happened), and will still be a level 1 peasant.

Have fun, and may the odds be ever in your favour, fellow Aislings!
