Aisling Name Giveaway!
Hello there! Are you wanting to play Darkages, but can’t come up with a good name for your Aisling? If so, then step right up!
Current Names Available
First come first served, to get these Aisling names!
New Names:
- Brad (M)
- Checkmate (M)
- Dynamic (F)
- Enchanted (M)
- Magnet (F)
- PingPong (M)
- Saphire (F)
- Steak (M)
- Tree (F)
Unclaimed Names:
- Alien (M)
- Amazing (M)
- Bronze (M)
- Mystery (F)
- Talos (M)
- Advanced (M)
- Affinity (F)
- Minerva (M)
- DuffBeer (M)
- Friday (F)
- Caterpie (F)
- Poliwrath (M)
- Army (M)
- Horse (F)
- Sewer (M)
- Bully (M)
- Cowboy (M)
- Goofy (M)
- Hydrogen (M)
- Organ (F)
- Vigor (M)
- Whip (F)
I will periodically post some Aisling names that I’m giving away. If you want a name, just tell me which one! You can contact me by direct message to Discord ID dylanlan2
, or by sending an in-game mail to Dylanlan
or NaLyd
- The current Aisling gender is (M) for male, and (F) for female.
- I will send you the Aisling’s password, and you should change it if you want to keep the Aisling.
- Requesting more than 1 name per week is discouraged
- Please only request a name if you have actual plans to use it, at some point. I want to discourage excessive hoarding without using, like I’ve done
- Most of these Aislings will have been born around the 108th deoch (which was after the last name purge happened), and will still be a level 1 peasant