Darkages" property="og:description" /> Darkages" />

NaLyd Forsakes Sgrios

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Category : awakening

NaLyd, having been a Worshipper of Sgrios for 125 long deochs, decides that it has been long enough. It is time to find a new deity to worship. NaLyd prefers something else, over decay.

NaLyd will be attending a Deoch mass sermon soon, and wishes to become a worshipper of Deoch.

NaLyd Dubhaim

The Dubhaim monsters stared at NaLyd, as if warning him about what a mistake it is to upset Sgrios. Luckily NaLyd did not get cornered by these beasts, like poor Protein did.

NaLyd Judged

NaLyd entered the temple, amazed at all the renovations that had happened since last time he set foot inside.

NaLyd Enters

NaLyd wondered if the servant even remembered him after this long. Or if he even knew NaLyd when he had joined the temple.

NaLyd Greets

NaLyd took a moment to reflect on his past. Sgrios worshipper by CurethEevil, all the way back in Deoch 76. Such lovely memories. But it was time to move onto new adventures!

NaLyd Worshipper

NaLyd asks Greim to help initiate the forsookening. Deep breaths.

NaLyd Leaving

Sorrow wasn’t quite the correct word, but some mix of slight sadness and intense nostalgia flowed through NaLyd

NaLyd Forsakes

NaLyd would not be visiting Sgrios that day. Sometime in the future, definitely, but not today.

NaLyd Goodbye

NaLyd glanced at his legend. Deoch 201, eh? Maybe he will return to Sgrios in another 100 Deoches or so.

NaLyd Legend

For today, NaLyd only had one deity on his mind. Deoch - the eternal flame.

Next Adventure: Deoch Mass

Previous Quest: Sgrios Mass
