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Deoch Mass

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Category : religion

After attending such an eventful Sgrios Mass, the Sradagan Fellowship decided to attend a regularly scheduled Deoch mass. The same such one that helped with NaLyd’s Reawakening! Protein wanted to learn, and NaLyd wished to become a worshipper.

The Fellowship scrambled to get to Suomi, and barely made it on time. But their dear leader Frudo was missing

Pre Mass

Protein noticed that a Frog somehow got into the Shrine, and decided to make fun of it.

Taunt Froggy

Protein saw another epic sowrd, and wanted to compare with his! While doing so, he noticed that one of his Sgrios scars from the previous mass got removed by a Kind Aisling named Repertoire.

Protein will remember to compare epic swords more often in the future - surely that act was being rewarded!

Protein Scar Removed

Frudo was still missing, and the mass sermon was about to get started.

Mass Starting

Thankfully Frudo appeared just in time, along with our dear leader, Aon (formerly PaladinJack)!

Mass Start

The Fllowship members all got into a comfy position as the mass started. Also COMO was lurking in the fog for some reason.

Mass Middle

It was a long and interesting mass sermon, but Protein got a bit overwhelmed by all the words. If you want to check out Landon’s full sermon, you can find it here

Mass End

Protein has learned that it is customary to give thanks after a mass ends.

Mass Thanks

NaLyd had desperately wanted to become a Deoch worshipper at this mass, and being directly praying to the eternal flame.

However, NaLyd had heard a rumour that one of his adolescent decisions might prevent him from being accepted. He wants to confirm the rumours with Landon

NaLyd Question

Landon confirmed NaLyd’s fears. Since NaLyd had decided to become a Necromancer many deochs ago, he was no longer welcome as a worshipper to Deoch. It seems that reanimating the dead always comes with a string or two attached.

Landon Answer

Protein enjoyed his time, and excitedly awaits the next mass sermon.

Protein Again

NaLyd lamented his Necromatic decision, entered the denial stage of grief, and tried to blame Sgrios

NaLyd Sgrios

NaLyd jumped to acceptance, and realizes that it might take awhile before he can worship Deoch again. He should’ve cherished the previous sermon that he had attended more. He did not realize that his Sgrios affiliation was the only thing that had allowed him to collect a Deoch Flame.

NaLyd Acceptance

NaLyd almost forgot a request to Landon - to help consecrate some Deoch shields. Deoch Wooden Shields would be immensely useful for future Sradagan adventures.

Deoch Shields

Protein became impatient, and tried to pretend to be a talking statue. Protein still had a lot of maturing to do..

Protein Disrespecting

NaLyd gave a final thanks to Landon. Truly an inspirational Aisling

NaLyd Thanks

Protein learned a lot about Deoch that day. But NaLyd had received quite unfortunate news.

He could never become a Deoch worshipper.

NaLyd needed some time to fully accept this fact. He eventually updated his plan, after much denial, anger, and bargaining. There still had to be some way to collect Deoch Flames at these mass sermons. He narrowed it down to one of two options:

  1. Become a Glioca Worshipper
  2. Come crawling back to Sgrios

NaLyd decides to try out option #1 next, given that Sgrios might be upset at how recently NaLyd forsook him. Best of luck on your endeavours, NaLyd!

Next Adventure: Moose: Terror of the Crypt

Previous Post: Sgrios Forsook
