Code Name: The Un-Brickening
Here’s a tale of disaster and perseverence!
Tridemp is an entirely new player, who tried out Darkages for the first time in this year 2024.
He excitedly created a Wizard Aisling, joined the new guild Sradagan, and went on many adventures.
But he accidentally didn’t pay enough attention to certain game restrictions, and permanently ruined his character by being unable to progress.
He was unable to experience at least the remaining 50% of the game.
Was all hope lost?
In his first few weeks, he went on many fun adventures with Sradagan.
Adventure Logs:
He successfully “subbed” and changed his class to Priest, while retaining his Wizard spells. This is called becoming a “Wiest”.
He finally reached level 99, and was ready to become a Master Aisling which unlocks most of the rest of the game.
However, disaster struck! He had accidentally focused on his Wisdom too much, and didn’t notice that he would need quite high Intelligence as well.
He discovered that he needed to learn either Ard Ioc or Ard Naomh Aite to pass the test and become a Master.
However, he had only assigned a mere 41 Intelligence points, which would make it tricky to learn the required spell.
He was already the maximum level 99, he didn’t have any spare stats to spend, and he had already sub-classed from Wizard to Priest.
He had 41 Int, but needed an additional 37 Int stats to reach 78 Int to be able to learn the required Ard Ioc spell. This would be …. tricky for Tridemp.
Here was the moment of realization:
The Sradagan guild frantically started coming up with potential fixes / workarounds.
We tried:
- Buying stats at the Temple of Choosing (Only for Master Aislings).
- Reallocating stats at the Temple of Choosing (Only for Master Aislings).
- Equipping Luathas Intelligence Stat Gear (Only up to +13 int).
- Using a Lumen Necklace (Only another +10 int, so +22 total, to swap necklace. Still missing 15 stats).
- Submitting three separate support tickets to the game developer Kru, from three separate guild members.
- Tweeting KRU.
- Whispering “And”, one of the Game Masters in-game.
- Chatting to “And” in an Arena Battle (and getting wrecked xDD).
- Buying a Kruna Shop item to see if it can help learn Ard Ioc (But it only supports “previous class” spells, not “current class”).
Halp Plz
We were curious if the Temuair community had any other ideas.
But most said it would be impossible or take forever, and that he should simply create a new Aisling instead.
But Tridemp did not want to do that, for multiple reasons:
- He wanted his desired name: “Tridemp”. He did not want to use a different name.
- He had already acquired 57 legend marks over multiple weeks, and did not want to redo all that work.
We continued trying to reach out to the community for guidance, and received a lot of …. well …. pessimism :(
Kru Plz
We continued trying to contact KRU. Tridemp and I both created a support ticket, hoping that two tickets would have more chance of being heard than one.
And we got a reply a week later! Apparently just an “auto-reply”, though. This specific quest requires a lot of patience.
Next time, on USDA:
- Will Tridemp be able to master?!
- Can he finally enjoy the rest of the game?
Tune in next time to find out! (spoilers: still bricked a year later ;.;